· Microsoft® Windows® Update Services (WUS) enables information technology (IT) administrators to deploy the latest Microsoft product updates to Microsoft Windows 2000-based servers and Microsoft Windows Server™ 2003–based servers, as well as to desktop computers running Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional or Microsoft Windows XP Professional.

Deployment Technologien:

· Automated Deployment Services (ADS)
Windows Deployment Services (WDS)
A set of Microsoft imaging tools designed to help you rapidly deploy Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003 remotely onto bare-metal servers. ADS also features a remote script execution framework that helps administrators perform script-based management tasks on hundreds of servers as easily as they once did on a single server.
WDS replaces RIS and ADS

Weitere Themen

· Anywhere (Remote) Access *
 is a networking technology that will allow users to access E-mail and other services on a corporate network even if no VPN is available.

· The new File Replication *
is designed to make the distributed file system (DFS) feature more efficient.
The new replication technology will allow only the changed bytes to be replicated rather than DFS having to replicate the entire file.

· Services for NetWare 5.02 SP2.

· Shadow Copy Client.

· Windows SharePoint Services.

· Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM).

* Noch nicht verfügbar

Ingenieurbuero Richard Kammermeier

ITCOACH                                           realizing quality.

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Update
Update Release 2 Technologies Preview*

Technology In-a-Day-Training

Sie kennen die Technologien von Microsoft Windows Server 2003?
In den vergangenen zwei Jahren hat Microsoft eine Vielzahl von „Out-of-band Updates“ - die Windows Server 2003 Feature Packs veröffentlicht.
Nach den aktuellen Informationen wird Windows Server 2003 R2 aus einer Kombination der Gold-Version von Windows Server 2003, dem Windows 2003 SP 1 und den Feature Packs bestehen. In der Zukunft werden zusätzliche neue Eigenschaften in den Bereichen Zweigstellenserver-, Speicher-  und Zugriffs-Management über Sicherheitsgrenzen hinweg verfügbar sein.
Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, sich mit bereits jetzt verfügbaren neuen Technologien bekanntzumachen.

Systemintegratoren, Systemadministratoren und technische Berater

Sie sollten bereits über Erfahrung in der Verwaltung von Windows Server 2000 bzw. Windows Server 2003 verfügen und in der Lage sein, mit englischsprachigen Schulungsunterlagen zu arbeiten.


Identity- und Directory Service Management

· Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM).
A light run-time mode for Active Directory designed specifically for deploying secure, directory-based applications.

· Identity Integration (IIFP).
Identity Integration Feature Pack for Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory (MIIS-based) manages identities and coordinates user details across Active Directory, ADAM and Microsoft Exchange 2000/3 Server implementations, enabling you to combine identity information for a given user or resource into a single, logical view.

· Active Directory Federation Services
(formerly code named Trust Bridge)
enables Federated Identity and Access Management—the simplified, secure sharing of digital identities across security boundaries

· DSML Services for Windows (DSML).
Enables Active Directory access using SOAP over HTTP.

· Remote Control Add-on for Active Directory Users and Computers.


· Windows Rights Management Services (Windows RMS) and Services Client. An information protection technology that works with RMS-enabled applications to help safeguard digital information from unauthorized use—both online and offline, inside and outside of the firewall.

· Network Access Quarantine Control
a VPN Quarantine feature. Provides client network isolation so that Windows 2003 SP1 machines can prevent clients from accessing a corporate network until their security state is verified
Network Access Protection (NAP)* will be part of the next server version Longhorn)

· New roles-based Security Configuration Wizard (SCW)* which will finally answer what might be the most commonly asked question about Windows 2003: Which services can you turn off?